INFOhio Launches the RemoteEDx Exchange
Posted 11/10/20
The RemotEdx Exchange, powered by INFOhio, is now available to parents and educators looking for easy access to all the supports, services, and resources available through RemotEDx. This includes home connectivity assistance from the Connectivity Champions, powered by the Management Council, and from the Support Squad Concierge Team offered by Ohio’s Educational Service Centers.
The Exchange showcases high-quality, remote education tools and platforms, standards-aligned instructional materials and curricula, use-case scenarios and exemplars, and professional learning supports for remote, hybrid, and blended learning environments. Consistent with Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for education, RemotEDx places a premium on equity and seeks to support Ohio’s most underserved students. Resources included on the Exchange will meet a set of quality criteria and are available to schools and districts at little to no cost.
Through RemotEDx, INFOhio is expanding functionality and features in curriculum tools like Open Space and Educator Tools. Additional tools and high-quality, instructional materials that support teaching and learning in remote, hybrid, and blended learning environments will be curated, purchased, or licensed and then added to the Exchange throughout the year.
Questions or comments about the RemotEDx Exchange? Contact the RemoteEDx Exchange Help at remotedx/exchange/.